About Us

About us

Meet ModStuff

ModStuff is here to help you give your home that extra something special! We offer unique, high-end homewares from rising brands and designers around the world, all with a little 'oomph'! Our mission is to encourage people everywhere to create the homes they love - full of colour and pattern - no more white walls and empty spaces! ..With our highly- curated selection and our intense passion for art and design, we want to showcase options that might not be as visible in today's design landscape. Here at ModStuff, our vision is simple: to turn houses into homes through beautiful, bold pieces that inspire and make people feel happy!

About us

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to inspire people through art and design, encouraging self-expression and living loud!

At ModStuff our vision for 2023 is simple: To keep growing our curated collection of truly special and unique pieces for your home as well as expanding our selection of original artwork & prints available online. We're adding services and creating more value for design professionals and customers by providing innovative art-curation services, consulting, and customisation/fabrication solutions for those unique projects!

Get in touch!